Sunday, June 7, 2020

Don’t Be Cruel, Elvis Presley (1956) Research Assignment - 825 Words

Don't Be Cruel, Elvis Presley (1956) Research Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Professor:Course:Date:Dont Be Cruel, Elvis Presley (1956)Some of the music that one has never heard before is very appealing once one listen to them. Dont Be Cruel by Elvis Presley (1956) is a very appealing song especially to two people in love (Presley 1). The song makes one think about his or her relationship deeply with the intention of identifying where one may have went astray. The primary message that is passed by the song is for one to avoid being cruel to a heart that is true. Being true does not mean being right always. But sometimes one does something that does not please their love who Presley called Baby.  But one should learn to forgive and forget so that love relationship can continue being healthy.The kind of clothing during the time of the song Dont Be Cruel was very impressive. The men in the song including Presley himself was wearing a suit. During that time wearing a suit was very formal and depicted that the individual respected what they did. Presley in a suit look very fantastic and even when singing about love one can see that he was seriously meaning whatever words he uttered. In the original version, Presley wore a black suit with a tie as he held his guitar singing his solo. He wears a pair of white shoes that made his appearance awesome in the song with his black suit. That is not the kind of wearing we see with the artist of today.The music by Presley is about love. Presley put it clear that sometimes he did mad things that might make his lover doubt him. But that does not mean that he does not love her. All he wanted is an assurance that she will always be there, and he will always be there for her. Hence, with the kind of clothing and hairstyle depicted they fit that song. Presley maintained short hair that was always done and looked impressive. That hairstyle with a suit means that he was very serious with whatever he was doing. The combination the hairstyle and a suit brings out a mature and responsible m an. This may touch the heart of her lover who may take the message from the song as being serious.Dont Be Cruel and the war music has some similarities. The bad things that Presley talks about may include fighting between two lovers. His song shows that fighting may result in an end of the relationship. That is why he justify his mad doings as not lack of love, but he need his love every time of the day for his lifetime. War music shows that war results in enmity and death. They try to warn the people to avoid war by giving experiences of the war that has been fought and their consequences. This makes people fear war and maintains peace. As Presley want to keep his love.Nuestro Himno is not a political statement, but it is a Spanish translation of the United States national anthem. As far as the national anthem may be seen as political based, they are not. The national anthem gives an analysis of what it cost for the nation to obtain freedom. Some people died while fighting for thei r country and others were crippled. Other people lost their loved ones. But Nuestro Himno honors those who sacrificed their life or anything else for the purpose of attaining freedom in their country. It reminds the generations to come that there were some important people who fought to achieve the freedom they are enjoying today. But does not implicate that it is a political statement.It is true that most songs define the generation of the people. The song that can be used to define our generation is C.R.E.A.M. by Wu-Tang Clan. C.R.E.A.M. is mainly an abbreviation of cash rules everything around me. With the current generation, money is everything, and one values money m...

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