Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Dead Poets Catcher Inthe Rye - 1012 Words

Dead Poets Society/Catcher in the Rye The Catcher in the Rye and Dead Poets Society are very similar stories. Both deal with the coming of age in the lives of prestigious young men. These two stories also deal with the conformity of these young men in their transition from private boys school to the real world. There are two young men from each of the stories whose lives are alike yet different in some ways. Holden Caufield and Neil Perry are two young men coming of age searching for who they are and what they want to be in life and wanting to escape the confines of conformity and what they are expected to be. Both are the same age or around the same age and they are both students at upscale private schools for boys. They†¦show more content†¦He is becoming an adult yet he wants to preserve his innocence, for he believes adults are phony and children such as his sister Phoebe, preserve true realness within their innocent selves. I think he wants to preserve the innocence that children have and protect them, something he failed at doing with his brother Allie, which is why he wants to be the Catcher in the Rye. Neil Perry is also a troubled young man within himself because he doesn’t want to conform to the life his father wants for him. Neil wants to be his own person and to the things he likes to do but he is afraid to stand up to his father. His father is a phony conformist such as Holden describes his father in Catcher in the Rye. Neil’s father makes him quit the school paper because one of his teachers wants him to, when Neil tries to stand up for himself, his father scolds him and tells him when he graduates medical school he can do what he wants, until then, he must obey what his father tells him. When he does finally do what he wants, when he finally incorporates the ‘’carpe diem’’ phrase into his life and made the decision for himself to act in the play, his father decides to take him out of Welton and send him to military school. Neil felt the only to break his father’s shackles was to kill himself. I think that Neil felt that he couldn’t bare

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Different Directions Of Belgravia Escorts Essay

Title: Our Escorts Will Love To Visit Your Home in Belgravia Meta description: Belgravia is a small but wealthy neighborhood with cultural landmarks to take your escort. Before you go any further please click Read It, so you can see exactly what this beautiful area has to offer! The Different Directions of Belgravia Escorts There are so many so many great neighborhoods to choose in London to meet your high-class beauty model for the perfect evening, but there is something genuinely special about this small community that will have them bursting with joy. Near London s most iconic landmarks such as the Buckingham Palace to the east, Hyde Park to the north, the Royal Albert Hall and Natural History Museum to the west, and the River Thames to the south, there are plenty of places to bring your escort no matter the direction. Get to your escort and reach the apex of life with them before retiring for the night. Your crown chakras will connect together as your escort’s left hand is around your right shoulder, and their right hand is around your left shoulder as you two dance seductively through the night. After meeting with your exclusive VIP London escort, the first thing you can do is take them somewhere nice. If you decide to go out for a late afternoon stroll, we suggest taking them to the historic Apollo Victoria Theatre to see Wicked. Visiting the Buckingham Palace Queen Elizabeth’s Buckingham Palace is worth exploring for a romantic afternoon stroll, and the

Friday, December 13, 2019

Absolutism and Democracy Free Essays

What would happen if you got two different governments going head to head, fighting to see who is better? What if those two governments were Democracy and Absolutism? In the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries, they were both used, and one was more effective; But which one? In this time period, Absolutism was the best form of government, because it was effective and worked for the people. In an Absolutism government, or a Monarchy, it was believed the Kings worked with God, and He bestowed them with the power to be King. In Document Two, King James said, â€Å"Kings are not only God’s lieutenants upon earth†¦ But even by God himself they are called gods†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This is because the people believed Kings have powers similar to God’s. We will write a custom essay sample on Absolutism and Democracy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Kings can create and destroy; Can judge, but are not judged; Give life or send death. The people honestly believed because of this, they worked together with God. Their teamwork with God is why Kings were accepted by the people, and why Absolutism was accepted as well. Related article: Political Parties Are Pillars of Democracy Kings used fear to gain control over the people, which is why they didn’t fight against it. Machiavelli wrote in The Prince that a prince needs to be feared by the people; Not loved and well liked. He would be incapable of being able to hold power over the people. If there wasn’t a King, then there would be no control in the government. People would be deciding everything for themselves, and it would end in disaster. The King/ Prince kept them in line, and the people didn’t revolt. â€Å"The head alone has the right to deliberate and decide, and the functions of all the other members consist only in carrying out the commands given to them†¦Ã¢â‚¬  King Louis XIV said that the King is the only person able to give the right orders, and make the right decisions. Everyone else was there to follow through on what he said. The interest of the state must come before the individual. The King was the only person capable of making sure the right decisions were made, and that the other members carried out the commands. So as you can see, Absolutism would win against Democracy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries. It was more efficient, and worked well for them. The Kings had the power, and everyone was content with how things were set up. The people felt like this was how it ought to be, and it was. That is why Absolutism is the best form of government in this time period. How to cite Absolutism and Democracy, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Develop Organizational Marketing Objects †A Sample Case Study

Question: Discuss about the Develop Organizational Marketing Objects. Answer: Objectives of Cocoa Delights There are some marketing objectives that Cocoa Delights are planning to achieve. [1]They are one of the largesse selling premium chocolates brands in Australia. The objectives include the following: [2]They own 22 stores at present, and their aim is to open 100 stores in all parts of Australia They will think about franchising because it will be helpful in expanding the business within three years. Their focus is to encourage customers to become more health-conscious and for it, Cocoa Delights will propagate the benefits of eating dark chocolates They will not only expand in their business but also serve a wide range of dark chocolates for the customers. Meeting with the CEO The meeting with the CEO involved various issues related to franchising and joint ventures. The company is looking into the pros and cons of both joint ventures with Haighs Chocolates and franchising. After a detailed discussion, some points are brought to light: Franchising enables fast expansion of the business within three years. At present, this is the primary objective of the company. In that case, they will have to introduce different legal agreements for each store. It will generate large scale legal issues and eventually complicating the business environment. However, franchising can make the store managers happy. [3]The store managers of Cocoa Delights are dissatisfied because the company does not encourage them with financial rewards. Franchising will ensure rewards for hard working managers. Again, they can think about starting it from Sydney and then move into new places after they have gathered expected profit from Sydney. The company is also thinking on the conflicts that may occur with the introduction of franchising. The local business owners may involve into tussle with the interests of Cocoa Delights as a national brand. With franchising, the government compliances will be stricter than the previous. [4]It is found that Melb ourne stores are already providing easy marketing and they have accepted franchise sales. Now, it is important to analyze the proposal by Haighs Chocolates. Some facts are found which are as follows: [5]As a company Haighs Chocolates has mid-sized operations and that is also is some specific parts of the city. It is not a premium brand as Cocoa Delights and the target customers are not the economically affluent class. At present, they have stores in Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide. Haighs Chocolates focuses on extensive advertising and any joint venture with them ensure that Cocoa Delights does not need to invest much for advertising. Whereas franchising can usher expansion within three years, the joint venture can take 5 to 7 years to reach the 100 stores target. Conflict of interests is another issue because both the companies are not similar. One is a premium chocolate brand and the other is a medium sized company serving the middle class customers. Cocoa Delights may get negative results from this joint venture as their brand name will be harmed. Cocoa Delights needs to share advertising space with Haighs Chocolates. It will not be effective for their business. One positive fact is that Cocoa Delights will be allowed by this joint venture to achieve market shares in other parts of Australia. They will get access to low cost media buys. Long-Term Strategic Objectives Before setting the long-term strategic objectives, it is important to conduct the SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis of the company is brings out the strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities, and threats of the company. Strengths: Cocoa Delights is a well-established brand in Australia. They are currently operating in 22 stores in the Melbourne. Weaknesses: [6]The target customers are economically affluent section of Australia. The high-price of the products is the reason that prevents expansion of the business to every parts of Australia. Opportunity: They can either start franchising or go for joint venture with Haighs Chocolates. However, franchising will enable fastest growth for them and therefore, they have the opportunity to expand with their business. Within three years the technological advancement will occur too. Threats: Dissatisfaction of the store managers is currently a big threat to the company. They do not get financial rewards and for that, they lack in commitment. The current operating environment of Cocoa Delights is also not very favorable. The technological advancement through broadband is delayed in Australia. Again, the government legislation will impose penalties if the companies do not emphasize on waste management and energy saving. Cocoa Delights need to focus on it too. The long-term objectives are as follows: Compatibility: Cocoa Delights is looking for fast growth. Their objective is to open 100 stores in every parts of Australia. Therefore, franchising is the best option. It will usher growth within three years, which is not possible through joint venture. [7]Joint venture will take 5- years. The company is not looking for such a slow growth. Again, the company wants to continue with fully-owned business structure which only franchising can do. Entering into joint venture can damage the brand name of Cocoa Delights as Haighs Chocolates operates in different market segment. Consistent: Cocoa Delights is facing employee dissatisfaction. The store managers are unhappy as they do not get financial rewards for their hard work. Franchising will ensure reward for them. Again, Melbourne is seen accepting the franchising concept and Cocoa Delights is operating successfully in Melbourne. They can think of expansion here with franchising. Equipped: Cocoa Delights has the ability to expand with franchising. They are focusing on variety of products and franchising will help to reach in larger section of the customers. [8]They will be able to use the broadband technology within three years and this will help the communication process. They can manage various procedures in all franchises and communicate with the managers after the technological advancement. Legals: [9]According to current government legislation, the company needs to focus on waste management and energy use, which Cocoa Delights can do cooperatively as soon as they enter into franchising that ensures financial support. References Bateman, Thomas S and Scott Snell, Management (McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2013) Chernev, Alexander, Strategic Marketing Management (Cerebellum Press, 2012) Dibb, Sally, Cludia Simes and Robin Wensley, "Establishing The Scope Of Marketing Practice: Insights From Practitioners" (2014) 48 European Journal of Marketing Foxall, Gordon, Strategic Marketing Management (RLE Marketing) (Taylor and Francis, 2014) Mullins, John W and Orville C Walker, Marketing Management (McGraw-Hill, 2013) Ogden, Lesley Evans, "Chocolate's Dark Secrets" (2014) 224 New Scientist Proctor, Tony, Strategic Marketing (Taylor and Francis, 2014) Rego, Lopo L., Neil A. Morgan and Claes Fornell, "Reexamining The Market ShareCustomer Satisfaction Relationship" (2013) 77 Journal of Marketing